Saturday 2nd July 2011

Posted By: Isabella Connor | Posted Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The write frame of mind

I should be writing. But I can't concentrate when household chores are waiting. Don't know if it's pride or guilt, but I like to write knowing that everything is done. That I have the freedom of a few hours ahead of me without catching sight of a carpet that needs vacuuming, or hearing the washing/ironing calling, silently but forcefully.


I also like to write when my OH is out of the house and I'm free of the perpetual "Sorry to bother you a minute, but could you just get me...."  Having spoken to other handmaidens (aka wives) it appears that this is definitely a man thing. I keep meaning to give it a try and see if it works in reverse. When said OH is busy (I use the term loosely  ), and I'm, for instance, cooking, I'll call him and ask if he can just pop upstairs and get something for me. Of course, I'll say, "Sorry to bother you a minute..."


* * * 


Heaven = a virgin bowl of Kelly's Cornish with a choc. flake crumbled over it. Hell = when it's gone.


* * * 


Highlight of my summer so far, was going to Chichester with friend Di, to see She Loves Me, and meeting the very lovely Mr Joe McFadden after the show. I'll bet he wouldn't keep saying, "Sorry to bother you a minute..." (Unfortunately).

Saturday 2nd July 2011
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