Meet My Main Character, Blog Hop
Posted By: Isabella Connor | Posted Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Hi... bear with me. I'll be with you shortly. Just sweeping away the dust and the cobwebs....
Right, almost ready. Opening the windows to let some fresh air in, and it'll be like I've never been away.
Thanks to lovely Kathryn Freeman for passing the baton for 'Meet My Main Character' on to me. You can meet Kathryn's main character, in her latest book Do Opposites Attract available from Amazon,
You can learn more about the rather lovely Mitch McBride, on Kathryn's website,
Do Opposites Attract is just one of a host of Choc Lit books I have waiting for's like having an endless supply of Kelly's ice-cream. The only difference being, I'd share the books with my family...
And so on to my main character. Beneath an Irish Sky has now been out for nearly a year. My next novel, An Irish Promise, co-written again with Val Olteanu, is out in October (ebook) and November (print), and I was tempted to use one of the characters from that - but our hero, Finn, is still a little rough round the edges, and a bit shy. Anyway, even a year on, I still have a soft spot for our little hero from Beneath an Irish Sky.
What is the name of the main character? Is he real or fictitious?
Luke Kiernan. Well, he was born Luke Stewart, but doesn't use that name, as he's not too impressed with the English Stewart family. He started off as fictitious, but I'm actually convinced he's real now, and a couple of years ago, wandered around his home town of Ennis wondering if he'd been in the same pub/shop etc. I really did! There's probably a medical name for people who lose touch with reality.
When and where is the story set?
It's a contemporary story, set half in Cheshire, and half in various parts of Ireland.
What should we know about Luke?
Luke is a Traveller. He's twenty years old, slightly built, medium height. He'd be the first to admit he's no muscle-bound Adonis. He's quite shy and insecure, but he's not blind. He knows he didn't fall out of the ugly tree. He doesn't have any insecurity about his looks, but he does about his culture, having been the target of bigotry and prejudice throughout his life.
He has dark hair (which would just reach the collar of the shirt he wears on special occasions - he's a casual dresser), blue eyes, and eyelashes that the technicians at Max Factor are aiming for. Unsuccessfully. Luke is very stubborn, but very honest, and very determined. The Irish Independent described him as 'naive but knowing' so they've got him summed up pretty well.
He's also quite inexperienced in luurve. But it has to be said, he's a quick learner with a natural talent.
What is the main conflict? What messes up his life?
His much loved mother dies in a car accident. Luke is badly injured in the same accident, and ends up being uprooted from his homeland - Ireland - and taken to England, to a very different environment to what he's used to, where he's up against the same kind of bigotry his mother faced.
What is Luke's goal?
Justice for his mother...which ultimately means revenge on the Stewarts. Romance gets in the way of that though, as you'd expect. He has to fight his way through a lot of confusion and angst when his father refutes everything that Luke was ever told. Did his mother lie to him? Or is his father everything he's been led to believe? Or...could it be possible that neither his mother, nor his father, lied to him? How would that work then? Only one way to find out
What is the book's title?
Beneath an Irish Sky. There's a fair bit of action beneath an English sky too, but there's no line in the book that uses that phrase
Thanks, Kathryn, for passing the baton to me. It's been fun.
Next week, The Write Romantics and Michela O'Brien are taking the baton. So it will be a case of several main characters - a real bulk buy! (Michela's site)