Im A Writer!

Posted By: Isabella Connor | Posted Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

So, here we are, nearly in August. In two days time, we can say "It's September next month". I can still remember New Years Eve like it was last week, and I'm still washing up after last Christmas, let alone getting ready for the next, but I've bought some presents already. I'm sure time is speeding up. Easy to say it's because I'm getting older, but the worrying thing is, my kids think the time passes quickly as well. Worrying.


Well, my big news - and I suppose this is like writing a letter, then adding a PS to say you've won the lottery - I've signed a contract with Choc Lit Publishing! I'm a writer, Mum! It is now so worth all the late nights, the bleary eyes, the hassle for always being on the computer. They're taking me seriously now, yes sirree!


Anyway, the book.  It's working title was LUKE, but that's got to go - sob - though it will always be Luke in our hearts. Basically, it's about a young guy called Luke, who is not a happy bunny, so I don't know why it can't be called "Luke - Back in Anger"...  


So it was on with the thinking cap, and our favourite at the moment is "Beneath an Irish Sky", though as Luke is Irish, and there's an element of romance, I have a soft spot for "Beneath an Irish Guy".  :D  


Luke has struggled all his life for acceptance. He's a Traveller, with all the social problems and issues that dog that culture. "Second Class Male" maybe? 


But no, for some reason, all those suggestions of mine received a shake of the head and a wag of the finger, from those whose opinion I asked.


So it's going to be marketed as either "Beneath an Irish Sky" or "The Shamrock and the Rose".   We will bow to Choc Lit's greater knowledge in this respect.  (Fifty Shades of Green, anyone?)


Anyway, so excited, so thrilled, and so grateful to have been given this opportunity, and from a brilliant publisher too, and thanks are due to the RNA, for the support, the encouragement and the invaluable advice from the readers in their NWS scheme. 


Could any medals be better than the sight of the Queen acting with Daniel Craig? Did she have to join Equity before she could say those immortal lines, "Good evening, Mr Bond".  Will we hear her say, in future public appearances, "I'm ready for my close-up now". 


Bizarrely, I've heard some people claim that it was a look-alike who spoke the lines, whilst others are ready to believe it was actually the Queen parachuting into the Olympic stadium. 


The ceremony itself was quite impressive, even though most of the world probably didn't have a clue what it was about. When it started, most of the several billion viewers probably thought it was a trailer for The Hobbit. It just needed the slogan, "Five rings to bind them".


The lighting of the cauldron was wonderful. Such a master stroke to have Steve Redgrave pass to young, unknown, athletes. 


Just one question though. Did David Beckham have to watch the parade of athletes in a wet suit. (A suit that was wet, that is, not a wetsuit). The spray from that motor-boat looked a bit fierce.


Was relieved that all the nations had the correct flags, and thank God for little Ireland,  keeping Israel apart from Iran and Iraq.

Im A Writer!
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