Friday 10th August 2012
Posted By: Isabella Connor | Posted Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Sport in schools?
There's been a lot of talk this week about the fact that PE is being taken off the curriculum in some, or all, schools. The main argument appears to be that it's not as important as getting grades in other subjects.
That - in my humble - is ridiculous on more than one count.
It's been established that it's easier to pass exams now than in the past, so I can't see that a couple of hours of PE will make a difference. And surely, exercise is supposed to be good for the brain, physically and mentally?
If people want to succeed in whatever field they choose, then they will. PE on the school curriculum won't change that.
And is it all about getting grades? I'll use my daughter as an example. She scraped in with a few low graded GCSEs. Some were ungraded. She didn't make the effort. She was, in truth, a right pain in the proverbial. And what's she doing now? Well she's had her own home for nearly two years, and is running an office in a law firm. And she's still some years off being 30.
She always had the ability. She just didn't want to use it.
As someone who loathed PE and would get out of it whenever possible, I'd sooner my children were spending part of the week doing exercise than being forced to be academic for the entire school week.
And on the subject of sport....I'm quite enjoying this alternate universe where Team GB has 25 gold medals, ahead of Russia, Australia, Germany, France and Canada. Don't wake me up when it's over...